Thursday, December 2, 2010

Those crazy Chinese comments...

Every blogger wants their blog to be read, I suppose, but we don't really know how many people are reading it. Or thinking about what is written. So comments are always welcome.

I don't get many comments on this blog (hint! hint!), so I get pretty excited when the Blogger Dashboard tells me there is a new comment waiting.

I got one a little while back. It was written in Chinese so I put my budding translation skills to the test. It didn't seem to relate directly to the post, but I was happy for some comment action.

Then I got another, and another - a couple dozen, all in Chinese, none apparently directly commenting on the posts in the blog. Hmmmm. I was suspicious of some kind of spam so I put them on the back burner. Later, I found that at least one of them had a link to an unsavory site. Also, truth be told, I found that my translation skills were not yet up to the task.

I have finally cornered a couple friends and asked for their help, and they all deserve big thanks. You'll soon be reading my very rough translations of this sudden flood of Chinese comments, with great thanks to those who offered their translations. In some cases, I will be modifying theirs slightly, rather than attempting my own.

Here is the bottom line: all comments are welcome, in whatever language, so long as they have some actual bearing on the posted material in the blog and are not solicitations to other websites / blogs.

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