Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Yokohama Stamps

Yokohama stamps

Just a selection from the 150th stamps for the opening of Yokohama, in celebration of several days’ work in Yokohama. It was nice to get out of the Tokyo grind. I have few chances to go, but I always enjoy my visits to Yokohama. The only disappointing thing on the most recent job was not being able eat lunch in Chinatown!

Below is some relevant text from the infomapjapan.com website:

In 1859, Yokohama opened its port to Commodore Perry and his "Black Ships", ending Japan's national isolation policy and making the city the base for foreign trade in Japan. This year marks the 150th anniversary of this event and to commemorate this momentous occasion, the city of Yokohama is sponsoring "EXPO Y150". This special exposition will focus on the history and attractions of the city and will be based on Yokohama's three symbols - the sea, city and nature.

the grind = the usual pattern. To “get out of the grind” is to break the pattern, to do something (and therefore interesting)

relevant = related, connected 関係がある
isolation policy = 鎖国
momemtous = very important, historic

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