Monday, December 21, 2009

Martha Washington 1 1/2

So far all the American Presidents have been men. And their wives are called First Ladies. Martha Washington was the wife of the first US President, George Washington, and is thus known as the first First Lady.

I first noticed this stamp because of the unusual denomination, 1 1/2 cents. Much later, I went to Wikipedia for some quick research about her and was quite surprised. She married at age 18 to a man two decades her senior (38). He was well-off and left her well-to-do when he passed away less than a decade later.

Martha and George married when both were 27. They had no children together but raised the two children from Martha's first marriage, although both of them died well before their parents. She was initially opposed to George becoming President and refused to attend the Inauguration ceremonies.

She inherited many slaves from her first husband. George Washington was also a slave owner, though he later decided that slavery was repugnant and freed all his slaves shortly before his death.

Also from Wikipedia:
In 1902 Martha Washington became the first American woman to be commemorated by a U.S. postage stamp. It was an 8 cent stamp. In 1923, a second stamp was issued in her honor, a 4 cent. The third Martha Washington stamp, of 1½¢ denomination, was issued in 1938.

日本語 hints
decade = ten years
well-off and well-to do: both phrases mean wealthy, having much money, being rich
pass away = a formal way to say "die"
Inauguration = 大統領の就任式
slave = 奴隷
repugnant = disgusting, とても嫌な

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