Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Socialist Glory (1)

Sometimes I really love old stamps like these from China, full of images promoting workers, farmers, proletarians of all types. Maybe it is because I come from an area in the US known for its agricultural prowess. I'll have to dig around and find some stamps celebrating the American farmer. But at the moment, none spring to mind.

日本語 hints

socialist - 社会主義者 Related words = socialism, socialized medicine.

promote - In this context, the meaning is 促進する. Promote can also mean to raise someone to a new/ higher level or position within a company or organization (昇進する) but it is more common to talk about being promoted, using the passive voice or 受動態. Related words = promotion, promotional.

proletarian - well, プロレタリア(の) or, for the more formal types, 無産階級者

agriculture = farming, 農業、農耕 Related words = agriculture, cultivate, cultivation.

prowess = skill, as in 優れた能力. This word also suggests bravery (勇気), so I use it half-jokingly.

dig around = search for, probably in a very messy place, like my room (messy = 散らかった, full of papers and things).

spring to mind = 思いや考えを頭に浮かぶ (alc)

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