Friday, September 11, 2009

Frog and dragonfly

Here is a pair of Japanese stamps that caught my eye, a frog and dragonfly. There may be more in the series, but I only have these two so far. The frog reminds me of some frogs I met near 生駒 on a small mountain. The dragonfly reminds me of the end of every summer, when there are suddenly dragonflies flying everywhere. I also remember the Nagoya Expo. I took part in a kendo demonstration there and I watched the dragonflies buzzing about a nearby pond before my match. I liked how they were almost completely still, then suddenly burst forward with speed - much like kendo, I thought. I tried to have that feeling during my match, but I lost to my friend and old nemesis from Canada. But many of the teachers watching said I scored a nice 面 men shot to open the match.

日本語 hints:
catch one's eye = get someone's attention
dragonfly = 蜻蛉 (should be clear from context, but..)
A reminds me of B = makes me think of something
Nagoya Expo = 名古屋万博
kendo = kendo
my old nemesis = 昔からの敵
面 = men (everyone in the world who practices kendo uses the Japanese words)

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