Wednesday, September 2, 2009

3 Australian birds

I got back into stamp collecting primarily as a way to do something together with my daughter. She was quite interested for a short while but her interest has been waning lately. Still, every time we get new stamps, she helps me sort them and chooses which ones she wants to keep for her collection (I get the leftovers).

She has always preferred brightly colored stamps with plants or animals on them. That means I have a lot of stamps with politicians and flags and monuments on them! Anyway, here are three birds from our Australia page. Australia seems to issue a large proportion of nature-related stamps like these.

One other thing - notice that the value is given as "20c" or "40c" - only the letter "c", not the cent mark I am used to, a lower case "c" with a vertical line running through it.

get back into = become interested in again
interest has been waning = losing some interest, not as exciting as before
leftovers = 残り物, usually used for food but can be almost anything
vertical = 縦 (and horizontal = 横)

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