Thursday, March 4, 2010

half a century and more

Some months back, my stamp collection got a boost from an unexpected donation by one of my students.

This collection had belonged to someone living not far from me at all. He traveled about SE Asia for his work and collected stamps here and there in addition to the Japanese stamps he gathered.

1958. Well before I was born. Over half a century ago, like a time capsule buried by one person, waiting to be opened by another. He has passed away. I wonder if he ever imagined a non-Japanese would be sorting through his stamps!

Unfortunately the album itself was no longer usable, though the stamps it contained were a windfall.

Thank you and thank you again.

get a boost = receive more of something
unexpected = 思いがけない
century = 100 years (centimeter, 100 cents = one dollar, centipede = ムカデ, etc.)
time capsule = well.... タイムカプセル
windfall = 思いがけず手に入った (two times for omoigakenai....)

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