Friday, October 23, 2009

two more from Africa

Zambia this time, not one of the usual places I get stamps from. Both are self-reflexive, stamps about stamp collecting, which is a first for me. It would be really fitting to get the actual stamps shown on these stamps, and put them all together. And then if there were a stamp of the stamps OF the stamps...doubly self-reflexive?

it seems there was a kind of stamp collectors' gathering in London in 1990 (almost two decades ago...) - I can't imagine whether it would have been exciting or dreary.

日本語 hints:
self-reflexive: 自己を映し出す (maybe self-referential is better: 文字/作品が自己に言及した - from Canon dictionary

decade = ten years. Note other deca / deci / 10 -related words like decathlon (Olympic sport with 10 events), deciliter. By the way, when my wife was 10 months pregnant, she wore デカパン. So deca- or deci- is a prefix (接頭語、接頭辞) related to the number ten.

dreary = dull and boring

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