Tuesday, October 6, 2009

more Chinese birds

Here are a couple more bird stamps from China which caught my eye lately. I don't have a regular source for Chinese stamps yet, so they come in on a highly irregular basis. When I lived in China in 1999, lots of people were collecting stamps. I sometimes brought stamps over from Japan and everybody wanted them. Now when I ask my Chinese friends if they know anyone who wants to trade stamps with me, the answer is always the same: no.

日本語 hints:

Today's vocabulary is not too tough. Only one thing stands out: the prices of the stamps, 1.6 元 and 2 元. Almost all Japanese people give 元 a Japanese reading, "gen", even when speaking English. But no English speaker would ever understand this. It would be better (no, correct) to use the Chinese "yuan", which is spoken in a rising, second tone. It sounds a bit like the English word "you" and the letter "n" but spoken quickly: you-en. Or, more simply, it would also be correct to use "RMB", the internationally known abbreviation for 人民币, or ren min bi, another way to express the currency in China.

There, now we have two nice vocabulary words:
abbreviation = 頭文字
currency = 通貨, the unit of money used in a country. The currency in Japan is the yen.

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