Friday, August 21, 2009

Japanese Flower Stamps (1)

This will probably be a long series of posts since there are so many postage stamps with flowers on them in Japan. I chose these two because they were among a large assortment of stamps I got recently from employees at company S. I have been involved with the company as an English teacher for close to 15 years but have not been active lately. I was visiting last week as a substitute teacher. On a lark, I emailed in the afternoon and told them about my collecting stamps with my daughter and asked for a few used stamps. That very evening, I was given several dozen stamps, to my surprise and delight.

日本語 hints
substitute teacher = 代理先生
on a lark = an idiom meaning by chance, without much planning, without expecting much. Similar to "on a whim".
dozen = 12

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