Sunday, August 23, 2009

bugs in Japan

These are part of a larger series - only two come to mind at the moment. I am not a big bug guy, but my daughter loves bug stamps, so I am looking for more. I will expand this set as I can. Maybe the praying mantis is a bug???? See the first post. Meanwhile, it is a great time for bugs in Japan, with locusts/ cicadas buzzing about night and day, and spiders spinning their webs at night from our laundry poles to the neighbor's house.

日本語 hints
bug = 昆虫  and more. Strictly speaking, an INSECT has 6 legs. BUGS might have 4,6, 8, even 100 legs.
praying mantis = 蟷螂
locust and cicada = 蝉 in easy English, though my Nebraska friend assures me that the locust and the cicada are distinct.

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