Monday, January 30, 2012


Did a little stamp trading on Saturday, learned a lot about how to better organize my collection. Heard one other thing which perplexed me: my stamp friend watches movies while he works on his collection. My immediate reaction was that I cannot do that - when I watch a movie, I want to give it my full attention. And when I work on stamps, I give them my full attention.

That night, I sat down in the living room to do some long-neglected work on my collection. As luck would have it, my family started watching a movie (yes, I should have done it in my room). Forrest Gump. It had been a long while since I had seen it and I found myself watching portions of it, then doing stamps, and so on, back and forth.

Might have to try that again.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

... and hello USA

Happy New Year from Kansas. We shipped almost 130 boxes by sea and landed safely in Kansas. I have already gone to a meeting of the local stamp club and it was quite nice.

More importantly I set up my first trade - a lot of my Japanese duplicate stamps for Chinese and Taiwanese stamps. Strange but good setting, an old family style bakery four times as big as any donut shop in Japan. We two stamp traders were the only customers until the local yakkers came in, eyeing the stamp action from afar as they drank coffee and talked about the weather and football.

Anyway, my stamp world has expanded rapidly and it looks like much more to come.