Monday, October 25, 2010

Stamps from Work

As a young boy, I collected stamps in Omaha, Nebraska. One of my parents' co-workers at Mutual of Omaha received many letters from overseas and was kind enough to save all of them for me. I had no idea what a great resource she was at the time.

I have no such easy source of large numbers of stamps from other countries just now, so I take what I can get. i was quite happy to receive two new ones for my collection from a co-worker last week. Both are probably common in their countries of origin (UK, Japan), but both were new stamps for me and are much appreciated.

These days, I suppose all overseas correspondence at Mutual of Omaha is conducted via email. I suppose that is good for paper reduction and the environment and all, but I think the concurrent loss of stamps is a tough blow to collectors.

日本語 hints

Mutual of Omaha - A large insurance company (保険会社) based in, well, Omaha Nebraska

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