Monday, October 25, 2010

Stamps from Work

As a young boy, I collected stamps in Omaha, Nebraska. One of my parents' co-workers at Mutual of Omaha received many letters from overseas and was kind enough to save all of them for me. I had no idea what a great resource she was at the time.

I have no such easy source of large numbers of stamps from other countries just now, so I take what I can get. i was quite happy to receive two new ones for my collection from a co-worker last week. Both are probably common in their countries of origin (UK, Japan), but both were new stamps for me and are much appreciated.

These days, I suppose all overseas correspondence at Mutual of Omaha is conducted via email. I suppose that is good for paper reduction and the environment and all, but I think the concurrent loss of stamps is a tough blow to collectors.

日本語 hints

Mutual of Omaha - A large insurance company (保険会社) based in, well, Omaha Nebraska

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

a shell in the hand

Just doing some catching up...

Two days of TOEIC in Yokohama (just done). Three days of an email course in Yotsuya last week, and two days of a meetings course in Chiba. And so on, moving back in time. No time for stamps these days.

But tonight I have a slight breather and can make a small offering - a shell in my daughter's hand, actually from about a year ago.
日本語 hints

a breather = a small rest, or a break in the busy schedule. 一息つく??

More to come...

Saturday, October 9, 2010

trading postage stamps

No big happenings in my stamp world lately, just moving forward slowly.

I continue to slowly expand the scope of the collection. I am not ready to focus on a single topic or country yet.

Many people have already told me it is time (it is past time!) to narrow my focus, but for now I just want to gather stamps and trade stamps.

Any readers interested in trading, please leave a comment with your email ( I will not publish your email address on the blog, of course).